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Read up-to-the-minute expert insight into the packaging industry

How sensitive is your food metal detector?

By Phil Brown, Fortress Technology’s European managing director THEORETICALLY, many variables will determine the sensitivity of a food inspection metal detector. Among them the aperture...

Shrink wrapping ‘essential’ for food packaging industry

Victoria Christen, marketing manager at Liberty Packaging Systems, discusses the important role shrink wrapping plays in food packaging AS the food packaging market continues to...

Coding and marking for alcoholic drinks

John Tierney, marketing director at Linx Printing Technologies, provides an overview of the coding and marking requirements of the UK alcoholic drinks industry today THE...

Thinking out the box: unpacking the potential of smart packaging

Here, Dale Pittock, sales director of pharmacy consumables provider Valley Northern, explores the latest developments in the smart packaging market. Imagine if a packet of...

Let your packaging mark the season

By Adam Blaxhall, editorial manager at Ignition Search Ltd CHRISTMAS lights are once again appearing on the high streets as international food markets arrive in...

Peak periods and packaging preparation

Andy Pretious, UK sales and marketing manager at Automated Packaging Systems, shares an insight on how to maximise sales by making essential adjustments to...

Induction heat sealing of glass jars containing high-fat foodstuffs

Products with high oil/fat content pose special problems when tamper evident seals are applied to their containers – no more so than when these...

MAP, CAP or vac-pack?

Drying, chilling, freezing, sterilisation and pasteurisation describe just some methods of food preservation. However, all of these have major drawbacks — including the loss...

Targets for recycled content in food packaging need care

Setting minimum targets for recycled content in food packaging may sound like a good idea, but could lead to overall less efficient use of...

It all starts with the right primary packaging

Anthony Debus, head of UK sales at aluminium packaging manufacturer Advanta, explains why more food technologists are applying a 'treat the cause, not the...