Pro2Pac student design challenge winner announced

Pro2Pac 2015 has announced the winner of its Student Packaging Design Challenge. Joe Hollingworth was judged to be the winner for his ‘Fresh Pack’ design, which...

Growing Bump

DURING her final year as an industrial design student at Brunel University, Solveiga Pakstaite developed a unique new label design that could now revolutionise...

Sector must do more to encourage women

THE packaging industry has historically been seen as a male dominated sector – but times are changing. An organisation called Women in Packaging UK...

Whisky business for Videojet Technologies

TODAY’S rain is tomorrow’s whisky, so goes the Scottish proverb, and it’s just as well. HM Revenue and Customs data analysed by the Scotch...

Packaging’s data evolution: from simple wrapper to sophisticated data carrier

The concept of product packaging has evolved from humble beginnings as a plain, loose wrapper, to a sophisticated, branded and data-marked means of providing...

An event like no other

PROMOTIONAL FEATURE Valerio Del Vecchio, Head of Marketing, PPMA Group of Associations Ltd, explains what visitors can expect from this year’s PPMA show Q) The PPMA...

Packaging designers of the future to be showcased at Pro2Pac

Pro2Pac 2015 has announced the return of its hugely successful Student Packaging Design Challenge. Pro2Pac is challenging design students from Leeds Beckett University to design...

A circular approach to filmic packaging

Promoting a circular economy in flexible film packaging is essential and is leading the development of new products across a wide variety of market sectors, explains Julie Eller, sales director at RPC bpi protec

Ultimate inspection cure for drinks processing headaches

In such difficult operating conditions, beverage processors are well aware of the importance of reliability and short machine cycle times. Dan Rossek, product marketing...

No time like the present

As firms experience the toughest trading conditions in decades now could be the right time to invest in new technology. IN the current economic climate,...