Pollard Boxes produces packs for personalised book publisher

pb2015.019 Lost My Name 2

LEICESTER-based luxury packaging manufacturer Pollard Boxes is producing an eye-catching clam shell style pack for personalised book publisher and producer Lost My Name. The London-based book producer, which received a significant investment following its successful pitch on the popular BBC TV series Dragon’s Den, offers a full publishing service by controlling all aspects of its product development, marketing, sales, operation and customer support in-house.

The deluxe edition pack is being produced for the hardback version of ‘The Little Boy/Girl Who Lost His/Her Name’ in response to the global success of the paperback edition. The packaging is produced at Pollard Boxes using a four colour printing process and a sealer varnish. To attract young readers and increase the stand-out appeal of the pack, a beautiful white ribbon has been added, which also aids easy opening of the product for children.
