SCOTLAND’S rural affairs secretary has raised concerns over the UK’s Government’s proposed introduction of ‘not for EU’ labelling on food and drink products.
Mairi Gougeon warned that the move, which would be rolled out in October, could add costs to businesses at a time when consumers are already facing a cost of living crisis.
The rural affairs secretary has called for further clarification from the UK Government on the plans, saying that the information provided thus far has been ‘limited’ and ‘does not currently represent a convincing argument or provide any real evidence… why this blanket measure is considered a proportionate approach’.
In a letter to the UK Government’s secretary of state for environment, food, and rural affairs Steve Barclay, Ms Gougeon, said, “As labelling is a wholly devolved matter, the policy decision on whether to place this additional burden on Scottish businesses should rest with the Scottish ministers.
“On the face of it, your proposals would impact a large number of businesses in Scotland who do not sell goods to Northern Ireland but would be required to change their labelling, or who sell into Europe and would be required to set up separate labelling streams.
“I do not support this GB-wide labelling proposal as it stands, and I am not persuaded on the information provided so far that there is a case to introduce it in Scotland. I look forward to meeting with you and discussing this issue in due course.”