XSYS launches ‘versatile’ letterpress plate for tubes, cups and cans

XSYS has announced the launch of nyloprint WS PRO Digital, a water-washable, steel-based letterpress plate designed for the printing of plastic tubes and cups, and metal cans and aerosols.

Optimised for LED inline exposure and brush washout, XSYS said the new plate provides ‘superior’ printing quality independent of the processing equipment. It is also said to excel due to the high stability of the steel used with the nyloprint materials.

“Our customers are under constant pressure to deliver consistent print results quicker, cheaper, and more efficiently, so they need us to continue innovating in this field to give them a competitive edge,” said Dr Christian Pietsch, product manager & global KAM nyloprint at XSYS. “The new nyloprint WS PRO Digital represents a significant addition to our existing portfolio of letterpress printing plates, offering premium results in combination with LED exposure, due to its excellent durability and high stability.”

Available in four thicknesses, the solution is suitable for dry offset, rotary letterpress, imprinting units and special-purpose printing presses. XSYS added that it exhibits higher sensitivity to UVA LED exposure compared to the market standard, meaning it can be processed faster on inline UV units.

Because the new formulation is less prone to plate deformation, other advantages are said to include reduced plate waste and longer durability on press.

Dr Pietsch added, “nyloprint WS PRO D presents a significant leap in productivity and efficiency, offering invaluable benefits to converters. This advancement empowers them to expedite product delivery without compromising on top-tier quality.

“Driven by its proven durability on the press, it not only reduces operational costs but also minimises waste generation. This sustainability-conscious approach aligns seamlessly with the objectives of brand owners.”