Online hub aims to support businesses over EPR

TEST Valley Packaging (TVP) and Wastepack have launched an online hub to help support businesses impacted by new regulations associated with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).

The hub provides up-to-date information on the regulations, which are due to be phased in over the coming months and years.

EPR sets new obligations for the producers of goods, and the packaging supplied with those products. New waste management fees will be introduced to cover local authority collection costs, in addition to financing recycling obligations under PRN.

Daniel Willock, TVP’s marketing manager, said, “Reporting standards are to be more detail orientated, including nationwide reporting for certain producer types. A new lower threshold of £1m annual turnover and 25 tonnes of packaging will be introduced for smaller businesses to report data. Under EPR, one organisation will be responsible for the full compliance cost and producers will no longer share responsibility within the packaging chain.”

TVP and Wastepack aim to support businesses with solutions that help them prepare for EPR, including an EPR business self-assessment guide.

Wastepack was one of the first schemes to be registered in the UK in 1997 at the beginning of the Packaging Waste Regulations. The group now operates a number of producer compliance schemes representing over 1,500 businesses.

Daniel Willock added, “We are excited to be partnering with Wastepack on this online hub, which should provide a real-world solution for customers and companies that are going to be affected by this legislation. We have launched a Beta version and will continue to update the data with the latest EPR news and work with businesses on compliance and reducing their waste management fees.

“We know this will affect the businesses we work with, and could prove costly; this partnership offers an effective solution.”