Uber Eats to remove ‘unnecessary’ plastic from deliveries by 2030

Yurri Maslak, Shutterstock

UBER Eats has announced plans to remove all ‘unnecessary’ plastic waste from its deliveries by 2030.

The food delivery service said it will offer restaurants a combination of discounts, incentives, and advocacy in order to address plastic waste.

It is also set to partner with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to prioritise shifting from single-use plastic to more sustainable options, including reusable, recyclable, compostable, and sustainably sourced bio-based packaging through partnerships around the world – which Uber Eats said will lead to more accessible and affordable options for restaurants.

Mary Jo Snavely, director of private sector engagement at the World Wildlife Fund, said, “The rate of plastic pollution entering our oceans will triple by 2040 unless we change course by transitioning to a circular economy — and companies must be a lever for enacting such change. With both global reach and local influence, Uber Eats’ plans for increasing sustainable packaging use within their merchant ecosystems are necessary in order to have the potential to enable widescale change across the food delivery sector.”