WAITROSE has announced plans to move the ‘majority’ of its small wine formats from glass bottles to aluminium cans.
It comes as part of the supermarket’s ambition to reduce its carbon footprint, with it anticipating that the move will save 320 tonnes of packaging in the first year. Set to come into play from January 15, Champagne, Prosecco, Cava, and Rioja will be excluded from the move due to appellation restrictions.
Barry Dick, MW, beer, wine, and spirit bulk sourcing manager at Waitrose, said, “We’re delighted to pioneer this move and make reducing waste even easier for our customers. Aluminium cans weigh significantly less than glass and create less than half the amount of CO2 than the equivalent single-use glass bottle, cans can also be recycled an infinite number of times.
“We know that more people are buying their drinks in canned formats from cocktails on the go to craft beer which is why making this shift in our wine category makes so much sense. Picking up a can of wine is a great way to enjoy wine in moderation, especially if you’re heading to a picnic or a social occasion, it also enables customers to try a new variety without worrying about wastage or cost. We hope the move will encourage suppliers to continue to develop a diverse and exciting range of wines in cans.”