Royal Highland Show attendees decide new Graham’s protein yogurt flavour

Graham's at Royal Highland Show

GRAHAM’S Family Dairy called upon attendees of the Royal Highland Show to decide the next flavour of its Protein 25 range.

The line, which contains 25g of protein per product and is the brand’s most popular range, comes in pots and pouches and is designed to capitalise on demand from on-the-go shoppers.

More than 1,000 votes were cast across the four day show, with rhubarb coming out as the most popular over cinnamon bun and tiramisu – which were decided on as three finalists from the social media suggestions in the run up to the show.

The new flavour comes amidst ‘booming’ demand for the products, with Graham’s revealing that high protein product sales are now equating to more than 25% of its sales. Last year, for the first time on record, it reported that sales of protein and Skyr products overtook sales of conventional milk in major supermarkets, and the demand doesn’t seem to be slowing down.

Robert Graham, MD at Graham’s Family Dairy, said, “Although I’m slightly disappointed that haggis flavour didn’t quite make the cut, it’s brilliant to see our customers join in to decide the next yogurt flavour for our most popular protein product. For decades our family has been involved in the Royal Highland Show and it means a lot to us, so we wanted to have some fun and let show-goers vote on something more appetising and decide what the next flavour of our extremely popular protein yogurt would be.

“Protein 25 pots and pouches are our best selling products and the healthiest on the market with demand still going through the roof. We hope you get a chance to enjoy our latest tasty creation which packs a punch with 25g of protein per serving.”