Celebration launches zero-touch disposable wooden cutlery dispensers

CELEBRATION Packaging has announced that its new zero-touch wooden cutlery dispensers deliver a ‘perfect combination’ of hygiene, convenience and sustainability.

The firm said the dispensers are filled with ‘premium’ wooden single-use cutlery.

“This is the world’s most hygienic zero-touch wooden cutlery dispenser,” claimed MD Nick Burton. “For end-users, there are no levers or buttons to press, as they simply pull the cutlery handle from the dispenser. This creates a sanitary dispensing solution, significantly reducing the chance of contamination by bacteria, germs, and viruses, which is common with traditional open cutlery trays and pots.

“Meanwhile, operators have absolutely zero contact with the cutlery when filling the dispenser, which totally prevents cross-contamination.”

The disposable wooden cutlery dispensers are designed to prevent waste and over-consumption, as customers only pick the items they are going to use. Described as ideal for self-service areas, takeaway and QSR outlets, food kiosks, food courts, service stations and stadiums, the unit has a small footprint when placed on counters, or it can also be wall or stand mounted.

For operators, Celebration said the ‘high-quality, robust and aesthetically pleasing’ dispenser is designed to be easy to maintain as the transparent housing shows the cutlery level, and it is purely mechanical with no power or batteries required.

To load the factory-sealed cutlery refill pack, users open the flap, press the red button and pull out the cartridge. The refill pack of knives, forks or spoons can then be placed in the corresponding cartridge and the tape tab pulled off and the bag removed. Pulling the trigger releases the first piece of cutlery, then you press the red button and push the cartridge back into the dispenser, which is now ready to use.

Wooden cutlery is 100% natural and an alternative to the now banned single-use plastic cutlery. The dispensers are also said to be easily branded, creating an opportunity for operators to advertise their brand or announce special promotions.

“These dispensers offer a professional, minimalist, modern-looking, practical and organised solution, especially when compared to messy and unorganised open cutlery trays or pots, which are often a hot-bed for germs, viruses and bacteria,” added Nick Burton. “But perhaps the biggest benefit of these innovative new zero-touch disposable wooden cutlery dispensers is that consumers only touch the handle of the piece of cutlery they are going to use, so this is both a hygienic and a waste-saving solution.”