Robot palletiser increases productivity for livestock feeds manufacturer

Quick Pal 1 Robot Palletiser

A robot palletiser supplied by RMGroup has reportedly increased productivity at Chestnutt Animal Feeds, a livestock feeds manufacturer based in Northern Ireland.

The Quick Pal 1 Robot Palletiser features a compact design that allows for easy integration into existing production lines and is capable of handling various packaging formats and weights.

The model is described as boasting ‘user-friendly’ controls, enabling operators to programme and adjust palletising patterns ‘quickly and efficiently’. RMGroup added that its ‘robust’ construction ensures ‘long-term durability and minimal maintenance’.

James A Chestnutt, MD at Chestnutt Animal Feeds, said, “Integrating the Quick Pal 1 Robot Palletiser into our operations has not only increased our efficiency but also ensures the consistent quality of our packaging process. Partnering with RMGroup has been a seamless experience and their expertise has been invaluable in helping us achieve our operational goals.”

Edward Rees, MD at RMGroup, added, “We are delighted to support Chestnutt Animal Feeds with our Quick Pal 1 Robot Palletiser. Our team is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that drive productivity and operational excellence. The successful implementation is a testament to the capabilities of our technology and the collaborative effort of both our teams.”