Ravenwood launches ‘industry-first’ linerless flash label solution

Nobac 40
Nobac 40

RAVENWOOD has unveiled what it is dubbing the ‘world’s first linerless promo flash labeller’.

The Nobac 40 linerless applicator is a ‘sustainable and cost-effective’ alternative to traditional self-adhesive flash labellers. Ravenwood is offering the product as a standalone applicator or as an integrated option with any linerless applicator in the Nobac 5000 range.

While its key differentiator is its linerless capability, Ravenwood said the Nobac 40 ‘surpasses’ traditional self-adhesive alternatives, offering ‘superior build quality and enhanced component tolerance’. The machine’s design is described as ‘intentionally simple and cost-effective, yet it incorporates high-precision parts’.

Paul Beamish, Ravenwood’s MD, said, “We are thrilled to introduce this industry-first linerless flash label solution. Now, when customers purchase a Nobac sleever, we’re able to offer them a linerless flash labeller instead of a self-adhesive machine.”

Unlike conventional labels, linerless labels don’t require backing paper on the reel. Instead, they adhere to themselves using matching strips of adhesive and silicone applied to the underside and face of the label.

Generally, the Nobac 40 applies flash labels to MAP packs to the top, side, or base of the product. Line speeds reach 30 metres per minute which equates to around 130 labelled packs.

Ravenwood added that the linerless labeller is designed for high-output operations and ensures promotional labels can be applied in real-time during the packaging process without slowing down the production line. Various mounting options are available to suit all customer requirements.