Contact Originators earns EcoVadis Gold certification

Jo Grundy, Quality & Systems Manager, Contact Originators
Jo Grundy, quality & systems manager, Contact Originators

CONTACT Originators has earned EcoVadis Gold certification in recognition of the firm’s sustainability commitment.

The Gold rank places Contact in the top 1% of companies worldwide rated by Ecovadis in the printing and service activities related to the printing industry, and top 5% of all assessed businesses from every sector globally.

Contact said the honour cements the company’s reputation as an ‘influential market leader’ that has implemented sustainable practices into every level of its business. It also demonstrates the packaging origination and flexographic plate manufacturer’s commitment to continuous improvement, representing a leap forward from last year’s Silver medal.

“EcoVadis is one of the world’s most prominent and prestigious business sustainability accreditations,” said Jo Grundy, quality and systems manager at Contact. “Since earning our Silver medal last year, every member of the team has worked tirelessly to take us to the next level by refining our processes and implementing changes at every level of the business.

“To be recognised as one of the print industry leaders in sustainability makes all that work worthwhile. We’re proud to drive standards across the industry, which we hope will not just benefit ourselves and our customers, but the whole print supply chain.”

To qualify for an EcoVadis medal, companies must submit an assessment of the firm’s environmental footprint, ethical and labour rights practices, and procurement policies.

Contact revealed it has invested heavily in minimising its carbon footprint using ‘novel technologies and processes’. It installed ‘Goliath’, described as the largest steam-powered platemaking still in Europe at 24,000L in 2021, before achieving ‘zero waste to landfill’ and Carbon Neutral Business certification in subsequent years.

“Our motto is ‘leaders never follow’, and we intend to continue to build on these accomplishments as we strive to lead the way for sustainable print businesses,” concluded Jo Grundy.