New pizza packaging ain’t half Grande!

Sun Branding Goodfellas pizza packaging

BRAND packaging specialist Sun Branding has unveiled its latest collaboration with Goodfella’s for the new Grande midweek sharing pizza.

Goodfella’s approached Sun Branding to explore how it could expand into a new occasion for pizza – adult midweek sharing. The firm was tasked with creating packaging that stands out on the shelf and also enriches the consumer experience by evoking the warmth and joy of sharing a meal with loved ones.

Simon Inman, creative director at Sun Branding, explained, “Goodfella’s Italian-American personality needed to be amplified, inviting families and friends to come together for a sharing occasion. Our design approach was straightforward: enhance the sharing experience, Goodfella’s style. We crafted a more editorial, lifestyle aesthetic that evokes the feeling of people coming together.

“The packaging features stacks of plates, dip bowls, and the hero – a delicious pizza ready to be shared. We used texture and provenance callouts to build the visual language of Italian-made pizza, inspired by wall-painted signage found in old Italian streets.”

Matt Fish, senior designer at Sun Branding, added, “We wanted to create the energy and love of family and friends gathering to share a meal together, on the packaging. Subtle use of propping suggests that the pizza, although the main focal point, is part of a bigger picture. Fresh colour palettes and elongated shadows help capture the provenance and warmth of sunny Italian days, creating a sense of joy and happiness.

“The quality ingredients and provenance needed to shine through with pride and care on the packaging. Our aim was to ensure that the Goodfella’s Italian-American personality was dialled up, making the sharing occasion more inviting and enjoyable.”

Louise Grace, cluster marketing manager for Goodfella’s UK & Ireland, stated, “The Sun Branding team brought a crafted feel and dialled up the Goodfella’s Italian-American personality through the design. We loved the kick-off workshop; it streamlined the design process and allowed us to launch against a tight deadline.”