New bill could see charges placed on single-use items

Disposable cup

CHARGES could be placed on single-use items such as disposable coffee cups as part of the new circular economy bill passed by the Scottish Government.

The legislation will look to give ministers and local authorities the tools to increase reuse and recycling rates.

Alongside placing charges on single-use items, the bill will also give powers to set local recycling targets; set statutory targets for delivery of a circular economy to measure progress in transforming the economy; restrict the disposal of unsold consumer goods to prevent ‘good’ products ending up in landfill; and give local authorities additional enforcement powers to crack down on flytipping and littering from cars.

Minister for climate action Gillian Martin said, “There are huge opportunities in having an economy which makes reuse and recycling the default choice for Scottish households, businesses and the public sector.

“We have already seen businesses creating jobs by turning what we might otherwise throw away into valuable new products and services.

“The measures in the circular economy bill will give local councils and the Scottish Government the powers needed to support the sustainable use of resources and cut greenhouse gas emissions.

“For people to do the right thing for the planet, it is crucial that everyone experiences a modern, easy to use waste service.

“We will continue to work with local authorities and householders to co-design how these powers are implemented to take account of different circumstances and needs on our journey towards a truly circular economy.”