Iced coffee brand trials crop waste packaging innovation

JIMMY’S Iced Coffee has started trials on a packaging innovation made from agricultural crop waste.

The brand explained that RAW packaging is manufactured the same way as corrugated board, with the same capabilities and recycled in the exact same way, minus the trees.

The packaging utilises virgin fibres, providing ‘enhanced strength and durability’ compared to recycled cardboard boxes.

Jimmy’s Iced Coffee can consequently reduce the GSM (grams per square metre) of the boxes, leading to an overall improvement in sustainability. The shift from double wall to single wall boxes is said to help minimise material usage and boost pallet quantities.

The product passed the same ECT and BCT tests that standard cardboard carton undertakes.

Switching from traditional wood fibre delivery boxes to RAW packaging boxes is designed to reduce the firm’s carbon footprint and environmental impact.

The brand already uses recyclable aluminium cans and sees the trial with RAW packaging as another important step on its sustainability journey.

Ben Nethersole, Jimmy’s head of operations, said, “This trial using RAW packaging is an excellent match with our pledge to always do better for the people and the planet. We are dedicated to working with other companies and communities to ensure a better future. We have already worked hard to reduce emissions in our supply chain and this trial will give us the opportunity to reduce them further. We can’t wait to get started with it.”