MPE unveils new denesters to boost ‘productivity and packaging accuracy’

TRAY sealing specialist MPE UK has announced the launch of a new range of denesters described as compatible with ‘nearly all types’ of packaging material and machinery.

Denesters are a high-speed de-stacking solution for reducing intensive manual intervention and increasing throughput whether the base material is card, plastic or foil, MPE explained. The firm has released a compact model that can integrate into any production line, denesting different sizes and shaped trays with a ‘five-minute’ magazine changeover.

A denester releases employees from the task of loading trays by hand onto a conveyor.

The MPE denesters can load around 200 trays a minute before filling. The business added that the self-regulating system can be used with any flat blue belt or indexing conveyor with full control over speed. MPE can also create a bespoke mount for any new machines requiring this solution.

John Hodgkiss, MPE’s technical director, stated, “Our innovative new denesters provide food processors of all sizes exactly what they need to stay ahead of the packaging innovation curve. In an ever-changing marketplace it is crucial to keep pace with the latest manufacturing processes, including denesters at the start of the production line.

“Our equipment can help customers achieve all their objectives including increased productivity and packaging accuracy – thus helping to improve the bottom line and boosting profit margins for any companies involved in the food packaging industry.”