AN appeal has been launched for help in creating a dedicated website which would enable Ukrainian packaging professionals to find jobs in the sector in the UK.
The Food Service Packaging Association (FPA), OPRL, INCPEN, the Packaging Federation and Packaging News issued the plea.
Martin Kersh, executive director of the FPA, said, “I presented to the Ukrainian packaging community in 2019 and saw at first hand a very highly skilled packaging sector operating to EU standards. I dread to think what has happened to owners, employees, factories, warehouses and offices given the scenes of decimation we see on our TV screens.
“Over the years UK producers have regularly had issues with the shortage of skilled workers and packaging technicians in the UK. I can confirm there are many Ukrainians who could easily fill these positions. Of course, we know these people are in a state of shock but nonetheless will want to restart their lives and earn money rather than receive handouts. Such skilled people should not have to settle for unskilled work where they can easily offer so much more and our industry needs their skills.
“This proposal is for the creation of a portal which, by containing key words, and with some search engine optimisation assistance will be at the top of search engine rankings. It needs to be easy to find and easy for Ukrainian to register their skills and contact information and will be in both Ukraine and English. It also needs to be easy to update frequently.
“We are asking UK packaging businesses to step up and make available at least two positions per business, that will be supported with offers of help dealing with the paperwork, providing accommodation and help with settling in Ukrainian workers and their families.
“The whole process has to be simple for Ukrainians who may be struggling with internet access and providing an address. To make this happen we need expertise in producing a website and SEO, and in HR, so the site doesn’t fall foul of UK employment regulations. Can you help?
“We know that the UK packaging sector has already worked hard to provide financial support and jobs for Ukrainians in their facilities in Poland and across eastern Europe. We also know from our combined research that a recurring problem arising from efforts being made by other sectors is the matching of Ukrainian talent with UK jobs. Employers are posting jobs and Ukrainians are seeking them, but somehow the two elements are failing to come together. We not only wish to identify packaging jobs for Ukrainian refugees but also enable them to find the positions that best fit their personal skills.”
Those able to help with the creation of the dedicated website are advised to email or