THE Association of European Producers of Steel for Packaging (APEAL) has launched its new report: How to recycle steel – why steel packaging recycles forever.
Alexis Van Maercke, secretary general of APEAL, said, “Our new report focuses on best practice in four key areas: optimised separate collection, collection and sorting of steel closures, scrap quality standards and design for recycling.
“It provides updated information relevant to all organisations and stakeholders, both in the public and private sector, wishing to learn more about a real and successful material recycling story. The objective is to help stakeholders throughout the value chain work collaboratively to achieve APEAL’s vision of zero steel packaging to landfill by 2025.”
APEAL explained that with an average of 84% recycled across Europe in 2019, steel for packaging is the most recycled packaging material in Europe – bringing savings in emissions, resource and energy use.
It added that steel’s ‘unique inherent’ qualities give a natural advantage, with its magnetic properties making it easy and economical to recycle as there is no need for a specific sorting process.
Mr Van Maercke added, “Steel for packaging is a resource far too valuable to be wasted if Europe is to achieve the ultimate aims of the Green Deal. This new report shows how the unique properties of steel, alongside the commitment of our industry, can bring us one step closer to achieving a more circular economy.”