Carton recycling hits 40%


THE Alliance for Beverage Cartons & the Environment (ACE) UK has welcomed the latest figures on carton recycling in the EU, showing that 40% of beverage cartons were recycled in 2012, equivalent to approximately 380,000 tonnes of cartons.

This is a rise of 3% on the 2011 figure of 37%. The total recovery rate (comprising recycling and energy recovery) reached 69% across the EU.
Richard Hands, Chief Executive of ACE UK, which represents carton manufacturers Tetra Pak, Elopak and SIG Combibloc, said: “We very much welcome this latest rise in carton recycling rates across the EU, which shows things are moving in the right direction. As recently as 2009 the recycling rate was just over 30%, so to hit 40% in 2012 is very encouraging.”
“As an organisation, we and the members we represent, are committed to improving the opportunities for beverage carton recycling in the UK. Over 50% of local authorities now collect cartons at kerbside for recycling.”
Beverage cartons are easily recycled using a simple pulping process, where the paperboard and non-fibre layers are separated and turned into new materials. ACE UK has a dedicated recycling team which offers advice and support to local authorities and community recycling networks wishing to collect cartons.